REDCAR Colloquium Session Two: The Overlay










REDCAR Colloquium

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September 25, 2010
California College of the Arts (CCA) | Timken Hall
San Francisco, California

Many metropolitan areas continue to experience rapid growth, with some like Los Angeles receiving up to 500 new residents each day. One of the current challenges for expanding cities is the design of a flexible transportation infrastructure that can respond to an ever increasing demand on resources and systems; one that is contained within the vision of a socially equitable and sustainable society. This mode of infrastructural response necessitates a rethinking of traditional personal mobility strategies.

The colloquium served as a vehicle to examine innovative transportation solutions in a systemic manner so as to address the reality of a typical North American polycentric metropolitan area. Instead of examining solutions that apply to idealized (but non-existent) urban centers, this colloquium embraces the contemporary condition — the messy, chaotic, politically and socially balkanized, poly-centric metropolis. By exploring current technologies, as well as those which have reached a high degree of feasibility, this interdisciplinary colloquium will explore the potential of an ubiquitous self-regulating system that can cope with and adapt to the unpredictability of a mobile society.

New Strategies for Mobility – Rethinking Urban Transportation

Session 2 – the overlay – explores the possibilities of how the urban realm will be transformed and how urban planning and infrastructure will react/respond. The extent of this exploration would include the varying effects to the built realm, social networks, real estate speculation, architectural response, and morphing of infrastructure.

This session discusses the design implication of autonomous transit on the built & social environments. Urban development will naturally emerge around social activity hotspots. The overlay of route-processing software upon the physical realm will cause serendipitous social and transit “hot-spots” to emerge thus creating an organic evolution of true TODs. With “REDCAR-like” applications downloadable to personal communication devices, transit options will be integrated into and tailored to a users’ personal daily tasks and social interactions. Transit will adapt you and not the other way around.

Introduction by Mona El Khafif

Mona El Khafif / CCA

Therese Tierney /UIUC – Understanding the public realm: Application of Social Networking
Christine Outram / MIT SENSEable City Lab
Ken Greenberg / Greenberg Consultants – Urban Design Implications: Will it work?
Cathy Simon / Perkins+Will – Organic vs. deterministic: Do we loose control?
Peter Albert / SF MTA – Reality Check: Hey this is my town you’re talking about!

Ila Berman / CCA

The REDCAR Colloquium team:
Gerry Tierney (510 Collective)
Dinesh Perera (Format Design Studio)
Ben Feldmann (510 Collective)
Therese Tierney (TT Studio)
Katie Handy (Format Design Studio)
Tyrone Marshall (510 Collective)
Ned Reifenstein (510 Collective)

Generously made possible by:
The Architects Newspaper
California College of the Arts
Field Paoli

The colloquium is also a public program of American Institute of Architects San Francisco Chapter ‘Architecture and the City Festival’ for 2010.

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